Fix rips, holes and gashes in your outdoor gear instantly with Tenacious Tape Repair Patches. Patch up a tent, jacket or sleeping bag like a pro without the gooey mess. This repair kit includes pre-cut black nylon and clear tape for nearly invisible repairs. No matter what the job or weather, these patches will stay intact and won’t peel or lift. Toss Tenacious Tape patches in the backpack for a little extra peace of mind. Ditch the sticky duct tape and use Tenacious Tape Repair Patches and make repairs to camping gear that lasts.
Angler Sport Group Gear Aid Repair Patches – Durable Gifts & Accessories for Outdoor Enthusiasts
Original price was: $3.95.$3.20Current price is: $3.20.
- Enhance your outdoor gear with Angler Sport Group Gear Aid Repair Patches. These durable patches are designed to repair and reinforce your equipment, ensuring longevity and reliability.
- Perfect for outdoor enthusiasts, these patches are ideal for repairing tents, backpacks, jackets, and more. Keep your gear in top condition with these high-quality repair solutions.
- Made from premium materials, these patches are waterproof, UV-resistant, and highly durable. They are easy to apply and provide a strong, long-lasting bond.
- Available in various sizes and colors, these patches are versatile and suitable for a wide range of outdoor gear. They make excellent gifts for adventurers and outdoor lovers.
- Enjoy fast and reliable shipping with secure payment options. Our patches come with a satisfaction guarantee, ensuring you get the best product for your outdoor needs.
- Buy with Peace of Mind
- Your needs, our top priority.
- fast shipping
- The best quality products, always.
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